Editorial: Not So Much a Program, More a Way of LifeWEBPDF
By Frances Buontempo
In an attempt to continue and improve on the successful formula of previous editorial avoidance techniques, Frances Buontempo considers what a program really is.
On the Other Side of the Barricade: Job Interviewer Do’s and Don’tsWEBPDF
By Sergey Ignatchenko
Interviewing is an important skill which is hard to get right. Sergey Ignatchenko gives advice to get you thinking.
How to Program Your Way Out of a Paper Bag Using Genetic AlgorithmsWEBPDF
By Frances Buontempo
It is often claimed people cannot program their way out of a paper bag. Frances Buontempo bucks the trend using genetic algorithms.
Object-Environment Collision Detection using Onion BSPsWEBPDF
By Stuart Golodetz
Previously we considered 3D navigation. Stuart Golodetz demonstrates how to detect collisions using onion binary space partitioning.
Migrating from Visual SourceSafe to GitWEBPDF
By Chris Oldwood
Migrating from one version control system to another is a big change. Chris Oldwood records the trials and triumphs of migrating from VSS to git.
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