All the Information is on the TaskWEBPDF
By Frances Buontempo
Instructions can be useful or infuriating, Frances Buontempo wonders how to give and follow directions.
Using Senders/ReceiversWEBPDF
By Lucian Radu Teodorescu
C++26 will introduce senders/receivers. Lucian Radu Teodorescu demonstrates how to use them to write multithreaded code.
Bit Fields, Byte Order and SerializationWEBPDF
By Wu Yongwei
Network packets can be represented as bit fields. Wu Yongwei explores some issues to be aware of and offers solutions.
Valgrind’s Dynamic Heap Analysis Tool: DHATWEBPDF
By Paul Floyd
Valgrind experimental tool DHAT is now official. Paul Floyd explains what this heap analysis tool is and how to use it.
By Chris Oldwood
Learning can be a lonely experience. Chris Oldwood tells us why he prefers learning in person.
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